We are inviting hand written or typed odiya manuscript in scan /image/ pdf format.
Theme Area:
- Issues in Animal Husbandry practices pertaining to Odisha conditions
- Any advances technology used in livestock practices having importance in field condition
- Specific data/ information/models for animal husbandry practices
Language: Only in Odia
Word limit: (≈1500 words).
Body of the manuscript: Should be informative and pertinent to the theme area.
Tables and Figures: Relevant Tables and Figures may be attached with specific marking in the body of the text.
Address of the institution of author(s): should be at the bottom of the article
Address for correspondence: The manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail at: pranibikasdhara@gmail.com.
Special page: You can also contribute towards our special page namely
- AMA PRAJATI (Information on any recognised breed of Odisha)
- SAFALA KAHANI (Success story of any farmer/ farm woman/entrepreneur related to Animal Husbandry sector)
- SARAKARI YOJANA (Detail on any state or central Govt. scheme for easy understanding by entrepreneur/ farmer)
- ANUBHUTI (Message for the veterinarians to explore and enhance the professionalism along with encouragement for the development of state in general and animal husbandry sector in particular)
- SAFALA BYAKTITWA (life history of a successful and eminent person related to livestock sector describing his contribution and endeavours).
- Jilla Diary (District Diary on Specific achievement of a district or successful implementation of new/ different scheme in a district)
- Prani Palakanka pai ketak Satarkmulak padakhepa (Advisory to farmers i.e. Dos and Don’t for animal keepers/ entrepreneurs on a specific season/ issue/practices)