Instruction to Authors

We are inviting hand written or typed odiya manuscript in scan /image/ pdf format.

Theme Area:

  1. Issues in Animal Husbandry practices pertaining to Odisha conditions
  2. Any advances technology used in livestock practices having importance in field condition
  3. Specific data/ information/models for animal husbandry practices

Language: Only in  Odia

Word limit:    (≈1500 words).

Body of the manuscript: Should be informative and pertinent to the theme area.

Tables and Figures:  Relevant Tables and Figures may be attached with specific marking in the body of the text.

Address of the institution of author(s): should be at the bottom of the article

Address for correspondence: The manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail at:

Special page: You can also contribute towards our special page namely

    1. AMA PRAJATI (Information on any recognised breed of Odisha)
    1. SAFALA KAHANI (Success story of any farmer/ farm woman/entrepreneur related to Animal Husbandry sector)
    1. SARAKARI YOJANA (Detail on any state or central Govt. scheme for easy understanding by entrepreneur/ farmer)
    1. ANUBHUTI (Message for the veterinarians to explore and enhance the professionalism along with encouragement for the development of state in general and animal husbandry sector in particular)
    1. SAFALA BYAKTITWA (life history of a successful and eminent person related to livestock sector describing his contribution and endeavours).
    1. Jilla Diary (District Diary on Specific achievement of a district or successful implementation of new/ different scheme in a district)
  1. Prani Palakanka pai ketak Satarkmulak padakhepa (Advisory to farmers i.e. Dos and Don’t for animal keepers/ entrepreneurs on a specific season/ issue/practices)
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